How to become an inclusive leader who values diversity


The evolution of human consciousness as studied and documented by a great number of people – from historians, to anthropologists, philosophers, mystics, psychologists and neuroscientists – has been found to develop in stages. Organisations, as an expression of the same human consciousness, have evolved over time too and correlate with each stage of consciousness. Gaining […]

All in! Diversity and inclusion programmes aren’t just for big businesses


A Diversity Matters report produced by McKinsey & Company states that companies with racial, ethnic and gender diversity are at least 15% or more likely to have above average returns. The same study says that companies in the top quartile for racial, ethnic and gender diversity are 35% more likely to have higher financial returns than national […]

How HR can champion diversity and inclusion within a small business


SMEs have more opportunity than their larger competitors to lead diverse and inclusive organisations, because every employee focused decision that they make has a huge impact on their organisation right away. Indeed, a vibrant workforce is actually very important for small businesses, who can struggle to attract staff. They have the ability, therefore, to broaden […]

How to overcome the business myth of gender blindness


Many individuals and organisations claim to be ‘gender blind’, but this is a fallacy. In this article, Dr Marie Luise Sunde and Isabelle Ringnes share their personal experiences of gender discrimination and explain how organisations can begin to address this issue. You may have heard the riddle that goes: a father and his son are […]

Financial wellbeing: why women are being left behind


There’s been a recent flurry of interest in the issue of financial wellbeing from many organisations, but no one is addressing the elephant in the room – the fact that women are at a huge disadvantage.   Last month, the UK’s first female defence secretary, Penny Mordaunt launched the government’s roadmap to financially empower women. […]

Mental health at work: why employers need to embrace psychological diversity


Awareness of mental health is improving, but to really make a difference companies need to move beyond reactive wellbeing initiatives to a more proactive approach. Mental health affects everyone, all day, every day. The state of our mental health determines how we feel, mediates the impact of life stressors and influences our ability to navigate […]

Gender equality: why we need to talk about unpaid care


Globally, women on average do more than three times the amount of unpaid care work done by men, rising to more than five times in poor rural areas. There is not a single country where men and women do equal amounts of unpaid care work and in some regions women do as much as 80–90%. […]

Diversity and inclusion: why data doesn’t always tell the full story


HR is placing increasing emphasis on monitoring diversity and inclusion but in the race to gather data, many people are missing the point entirely.   Developing a diverse and inclusive workplace is a vital aspect of people management. Organisations need to value everyone as an individual to be able to gain the many benefits that […]

Employee wellbeing: how to support people with neurodiverse conditions


Employee wellbeing has never been so high up the corporate agenda. Here are some practical tips to help guide you through the challenges of supporting neurodiverse employees’ with their physical and mental health, both inside and outside of the workplace. Supporting employees in the workplace can sometimes feel like an overwhelming and difficult task, with […]

Unconventional interview tricks – helping or hindering recruitment?


Companies are increasingly starting to use unconventional tricks in interviews to help them decipher the best person for the job. But could these quirky recruitment approaches be doing more harm than good? The rise in unconventional hiring tactics has created considerable debate around how effective, if at all, such approaches are for finding the best […]

Remote versus mobile working and why it affects diversity and inclusion


There’s a big difference between remote and mobile working and that distinction could make or break your diversity, inclusion and retention strategy. Thanks to a plethora of tools and technologies, remote work is becoming the norm for millions of employees around the world. In fact, as soon as next year, it’s estimated that half of […]

How organizational network analytics is transforming diversity and inclusion through data


Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is increasingly being recognised as critical to the long-term success of organisations. Facing continuous disruption, evolving workforce demographics and the changing nature of work, companies are under increasing pressure to create workplaces where new ideas and different ways of thinking are embraced to enable them to successfully innovate. While organisations are busy creating programmes […]

‘Double stigma’ – LGBT+ and mental health issues in the workplace


It is not uncommon for LGBT+ people to face the double challenge of mental health issues and discrimination in the workplace. What can your business do to stamp out the stigma and offer better support? The workplace can be a challenging environment for someone with a mental health issue for many reasons. Equally, people in the […]

How blind recruitment can help close the LGBTQ+ pay gap


LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning) employees are facing a pay gap much wider than that faced by women. Is blind recruitment one avenue through which we can help close the pay gaps for all? This week, results from a survey undertaken by LinkedIn and Black Pride were released, revealing a 16% […]