News: Renewed optimism in the workplace?
Employees are feeling more empowered to do their jobs than at any other time during 2012, according to new research. Well over half (58.6 percent) of UK workers are proud to work for their current organisation, up on the 41.7 percent reported in summer 2012. Over three quarters (76.1 percent) believe their manager gives them […]
Interview: Peter Cheese, CEO of the CIPD
Peter Cheese, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) believes we are at an inflection point in HR and that the opportunities for the profession to make an impact on the business has never been greater. With the CIPD’s centenary year in full swing, HRZone recently caught up with Cheese, to […]
News: employers who fail to engage will fail the UK
HR has known the importance of engagement for a long time – now there’s research out that points to just how important it is for long-term economic prosperity. According to new research from Adecco Group, employers that do not engage, motivate and retain their best employees risk damaging the UK’s economic position, according to new […]
News: engagement key to combat salary and morale doldrums
HR must prioritise engagement, leadership and talent retention in 2013 to combat sluggish salary increases and poor morale, suggests Hay Group research. The survey found many HR professionals were worried current reward and talent initiatives were off kilter. One in five of the reward specialist respondents believed their organisation’s incentive programme did not deliver, while […]
Talent Spot: Tim Hadfield, co-founder of Inaccord Engagement Partnership and HRzone blogger
For Tim Hadfield, co-founder of engagement specialists Inaccord Engagement Partnership, there’s no mystery surrounding engagement, it’s simply common sense. But that doesn’t mean companies don’t need his help to get it right. “The big challenge is, managers know about engagement, but knowing it and doing it are two different things,” he observes. And that’s where […]
Best practice: Staying mum at Merrill Lynch
Bank of America Merrill Lynch is spearheading an innovative campaign to help stay-at-home mothers and carers get back into the workplace. The ‘Returning Talent’ programme offers practical advice to people hoping to re-enter the workplace after three or more years caring for their family. It is aiming to attract middle to senior-ranking professionals from […]
Ask the Expert: can you refuse to interview an unsatisfactory former worker?
Question: Can you refuse to interview an unsatisfactory former worker? What is the legal position if a former employee who had a poor performance/attendance record but left of their own accord rather than having formal action taken against them, applies to work for your company again? I can’t seem to find any guidance relating […]
Executive deafness to employee voices creating lack of engagement
UK bosses need to start to to listen to the voice of employees as engagement between staff and their employers sinks to a record low. That’s one of the key findings of the latest CIPD Quarterly Employee Outlook survey which exposes a worrying deterioration in employees’ satisfaction with their ability to feed views upwards, particularly in […]
News: UK jobs market remains in rude health
The UK jobs market remains in rude health and growing steadily, despite dire warnings of torrid times ahead for job seekers and fears of a triple-dip recession. Defying the doom and gloom merchants, the UK jobs market is up a third compared to 2010 after three years of steady growth, according to Reed Jobs […]
Why focus on engaging teams?
Now’s the time to re-energise your teams for a more productive workforce, says Vernon Bryce. Of the many adverts using the latest ‘must have’ messages like ‘you need’, ‘have you heard’, ‘the essentials of’ and, ‘new to our current ongoing portfolio of e-lessons’, the words ‘team’, also ‘engagement’ must feature strongly in any of […]
Blog: Employee engagement needs commitment from both sides
Recognise This! – The ROI of employee engagement is significant and shouldn’t be left on the table out of pride. In my post today on Compensation Café, I shared lessons I learned on yesterday’s excellent webinar, “7 Hidden Reasons Employees Disengage and Leave.” Led by Leigh Branham, author of The Seven Hidden Reasons People […]
Job confidence tumbles?
Job confidence has tumbled 5% as the New Year brings fresh worries about job security. Just under three quarters (73%) of UK workers believed their job was secure, a 5% drop from October 2012 and a 2% slide since January 2012, according to the latest Legal & General Job Security Index. Those fearing redundancy […]
Talking Point: Is motivation the secret to employee engagement?
Employee engagement appears to be top of the agenda for today’s enlightened HR manager. It seems that, at every turn, there are consultants and articles in the business press telling us how to create an ‘engaged workforce’ and how much benefit such a workforce will have on your bottom line. Naturally, business academics have […]
Blog: Discretion denied – The implications of change to indefinite leave to remain rules
Before launching into this article, we’d like to wish all our readers a very Happy New Year! We hope that 2013 brings you all success and thank you for following the Newland Chase blog throughout the last year. As ever, we encourage you to get involved and comment below with your own thoughts and experiences […]
Three ways to make the most of your older workers
Times are changing and, henceforth, employers will need to be smarter. This is because a potentially explosive mixture of issues is starting to bubble under. Older workers now comprise a much bigger cohort than those coming up behind them. The imminent retirement of the Baby Boomer generation has been known about for years as […]
Employee engagement = good customer service
New research this week from the Institute for Customer Service reinforces what has now become the received wisdom around customer service. In the battle for customers, it is the behaviour of your people on the front line who have the biggest say on whether they come back for more or do business with someone else. […]
Information security: The role of HR
In 2004, Royal Bank of Scotland found itself and its email policy under scrutiny when an employment tribunal found in favour of an ex-employee. The individual concerned had been dismissed after an investigation into several staff members who had been using the company email system to send pornographic images. Around 30 employees were identified […]
Living Leader Learnings: How can I get my team to trust me?
The challenge A general manager at the distribution division of a national manufacturer says: “We have just completed our annual staff survey and it seems that the basic message coming from HR is that we need to find ways to increase the levels of engagement in our teams. As a manager, of course I […]
Blog: Why are annual performance appraisals so stressful?
Recognise This! – The 5 top drivers of stress in the annual performance appraisal process are easily overcome through crowdsourcing with social recognition. Why does the traditional annual performance review continue to fail as both a performance measurement and management device? There are a litany of reasons but by far the greatest, most overriding […]
Four easy steps to plan for career change
Of course skills, qualifications and abilities are vital, but when I am coaching people who want to change career, it often transpires that they have not stopped to consider what they really want. It’s natural to some extent to want to just move on quickly, but this research and reflection time will be time very […]