Employee feedback: your secret weapon for business success


I’ve always been perplexed that companies are willing to invest millions on the result of a customer satisfaction survey, but so often ignore data in a staff survey – it doesn’t make sense. I understand why consumer-facing businesses pump millions into developing their brands and customer loyalty, but I also have to question who really […]

Leadership: how to maintain employee engagement during a time of change


Engagement with the workforce is fundamental to business performance.  Everyone knows that, right? We’re in an age where there is a distinct lack of trust of corporations, business leaders, and, of course, politicians. It’s an age where everything is changing, all of the time. Faith and belief are at an all-time low. As leaders, we […]

Employee engagement: why small businesses need to do it too


Years ago, I did a talk on employee engagement for small businesses. At the end, one of the participants came to speak with me. He ran a small business, and he wanted to engage his staff, but it seemed like more work on top of running the business itself. How would he find the extra […]

Workforce analytics: data storytelling and why you should know your audience


I had a debate recently with someone who believed that, when working with complicated analytics, it was important to explain the process and statistical methodology to add credibility to the storyteller and the message. His view was that this was important to all audiences, since credibility was the most important facet to portray in storytelling. […]

Employee rewards: why bonus culture can be corrosive


In almost all job roles, financial bonus schemes are used to incentivise and motivate employees. Whether it is the large bonus packages given to CEOs every year for strong company performances, bonuses given to sales people for obtaining new leads, or financial bonuses given to office workers who hit all their KPIs in a year […]

Boring to brilliant: empowering your employees to understand their pension


It goes without saying that a good company pension scheme is one of the best benefits a company can offer its employees. Despite this, many employees still aren’t aware of the value of their company’s pension benefits. In fact, pension schemes often trigger a range of emotions, with financial planning and retirement regarded as complicated, […]

Business after Brexit: the changing needs of UK employees


Ahead of the uncharted waters of Brexit, the UK labour market appears to be continuing to shrug off the wider signs of economic doom and gloom. According to Office of National Statistics data, the UK labour market has charted its strongest earnings growth in 11 years, with annual growth in average weekly earnings for employees […]

Flexible working: the four-day working week in the eyes of four generations


Working four days instead of five every week? While earning the same salary? That would sound amazing for employees – but is it? Would all employees want a four-day working week? What about employers, would they be willing to accept such an arrangement? To help answer these questions, Henley Business School has published a white […]

Managing employee stress: a vital technique for protecting workplace mental health


HR professionals have many roles within an organisation. They’re there to design, shape and implement workplace policy. They shape recruitment processes, make key organisational decisions and – perhaps most importantly – protect the wellbeing of their employees. When it comes to mental health, more often than not, we can see the focus shift towards people […]

Why ‘investors’ (not ‘savers’) are the secret to a high-performing company culture


There are organisational cultures that deliver great performance, and then there are organisational cultures that not only deliver great performance, but crucially, ensure that performance is sustained: next week, next month, when things get tough, when leaders change. Whatever is thrown at the culture, it copes and is exceptionally resilient yet, at the same time, […]

Performance management: time to ditch the annual appraisal


HR professionals are starting to harness new technology to streamline their processes and improve employee experience. Performance management is an integral part of the role of HR departments, yet current practices often involve laborious annual appraisals – dreaded by all those involved. Performance management processes, like a lot of things in the sector right now, […]

HR hygge: three culture lessons from Scandinavian business


According to the global 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey, younger generations are feeling disillusioned with traditional businesses motives. The survey uncovered a rise in feelings of pessimism and unease when it comes to social and economic progress and the role of millennials in the world. In this climate of increased anxiety in the workplace, companies are […]

The five biggest mistakes in employee engagement


Leadership teams often think their employees are engaged, without really understanding if this truly is the case. Here’s how to really understand what’s happening on the ground – and make sure your team is fully engaged.  In our work with cultural transformation, I am fortunate to meet many executive leaders and gain insights into companies, […]

Three ways to avoid the disengagement danger zone


An engaged workforce is a productive one, so how can you make sure your employees are fully invested in the business and avoid the highway to the disengagement danger zone? Engaged employees have a deeper understanding of their company, allowing them to make better decisions for their company and clients. They love what they do […]

How company values can help managers get the best from their team


In the second instalment of a two-part feature, Stephanie Evans looks at how managers can use company values as a tool to improve team performance, whilst engaging and motivating individuals at the same time.  In the first instalment, I outlined why values are the foundation of company culture and how to go about growing these values […]