Recruitment: why job brand is now more important than employer brand


Getting a job has become a bit of a race. Candidates are applying for more companies than ever before, and because of this the celebrated ‘purpose’ of employer value propositions are starting to have less impact than we might think. Nowadays jobseekers are applying for roles across a range of industries. Employers now need to […]

How recruitment can adapt to turbulent times


Historically low rates of unemployment and growing global economic uncertainty are making life harder for recruiters. Candidates can be more selective about the jobs they take but they are also less likely to take any significant risks.  Recruitment is rarely a straightforward task. Even filling temporary, unskilled positions requires perusing CVs, holding interviews, assessing attitudes and whittling down […]

Employee experience: not just an HR rebranding exercise


Employee experience (EX) is the new buzzword, concentrating on key touch-points in employee journeys. Without a change in mindset though, it is in danger of just being a re-branding exercise with little value. In order for employee experience to add value, it must be integrated with the customer experience (CX) and become a strategy that […]

Recruit smart: how employee advocacy can attract talent


Talent acquisition is significantly more effective when you engage your employees in advocating for your brand. Employee advocacy is increasingly being adopted by leading brands to meet the growing recruitment challenge in the UK. With concerns over ‘Brexodus’ (the departure of European workers after Brexit), an ageing population and unemployment at a 40-year low, it […]

Communicating company culture: understanding the role of unique language in business


What language does your company speak? The unique buzzwords and phrases that your employees use could actually be the key to communicating your organisation’s culture to a wider audience. ‘Uniqueness’ is one of the most important pillars of a company’s culture. That could be what makes your brand, your workplace and even your employees unique, […]

Why businesses need to rebrand middle management


Here’s the middle management challenge affecting many of today’s organisations: as flatter structures have become more the norm, the all-important middle has become increasingly neglected. Indeed, 38% of UK directors say their organisation is ‘paralysed’ by ineffective middle management and 40% identify it as the single greatest barrier to achieving company objectives. So now is the time to change this. […]

Will talent be attracted and retained by a social conscience?


HR departments are facing a dilemma. While the pressure is on to attract and retain top talent, business leaders are unwilling or unable to offer top wages. Companies are increasingly finding it difficult to recruit for job openings. And retainment is also getting harder. Whether this is due to an influx of insecure jobs since […]

Why it’s more important than ever to have a social attraction plan


This is a guest post from Lucy McKerron – account director & social media lead at Synergy Creative – explaining the benefits of using social media for attraction and recruitment. This is the third in a series of articles where we explore how HR can use social media to improve their processes; something Synergy Creative will also be discussing during their sessions at Social Media […]