Employer brand: Creating a company your employees feel proud to work for


In Part 1 we looked at the impact that employee engagement can have on your corporate reputation, and that there is either risk or opportunity created to damage or enhance your company brand. We also however need to be mindful that great employee engagement can also serve to support and improve your employer brand, which […]

Engagement and corporate brand reputation: what’s the link?


The reputation you project as a company is today most strongly created and conveyed by your people and their behaviours, rather than your traditional branding, your advertising campaigns or your office premises. The way your leaders and employees interact with all your stakeholders, not just clients and customers, and how they make them feel, will […]

How to boost your employer brand in 2017


The new year is fast approaching, meaning it is time for HR professionals across the UK to look back at their progress in 2016 and think about their priorities for the coming 12 months. For recruitment teams, one of the best ways of keeping your company ahead of the game is by looking at upcoming […]

What can HR do to encourage social advocacy from employees?


This is a guest post from Rhiannon Stroud – strategist at Synergy Creative – explaining the benefits of social advocacy and the practical steps needed to implement it into your organisation. This is the second in a series of articles where we explore how HR can use social media to improve their processes; something Synergy Creative will also be discussing during […]

How to use brand citizenship to improve customer engagement


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! In a social world, building a brand and cultivating loyalty is all about managing engagement. In other words, fostering meaningful connections that pull people towards products and services by offering […]

How a social mission can supercharge your business


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! A few months ago I was lucky enough to attend my first ever Fast Growth Forum, hosted at Bloomberg’s spacious and pristine London HQ. An elite selection of founders and CEOs […]

You need to gain buy-in for your brand across the business


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! A brand needs to be an identity, internally and externally, that shapes an organisation and its services. Therefore, the concept of brand needs to be present, not just within the […]

WHSmith’s plan to increase number of ‘mental health first aiders’


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! ‘We all need to look after each other and ourselves.’ This is the mantra that is driving WHSmith, as we seek to deliver a comprehensive mental health wellbeing strategy that will […]

Four robots that are taking retail jobs


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! The age of automation is here and it’s growing at a blistering rate. While there’s talk of robots replacing lawyers, automating knowledge work is far harder than manual labour. As […]

Automation in retail: what’s the endgame?


It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! To deliberately misquote William Gibson, “Automation is here – it just isn’t very evenly distributed yet”. There is no doubt that the face of retail is fundamentally changing and that […]

Plugging the values vacuum: why companies need to put their employer brand first


Traditionally, companies have been very good at explaining what they do, but not always why and how they do it. However, according to recent research we’ve done at LinkedIn, more than half of UK professionals (52 per cent) are ready to turn down job offers from organisations who don’t match their purpose – so businesses […]

“Our people are our principal asset and key to our success.”


This is an interview with Ken Gray, Director and Joanne Hellen, Business Administration Manager, at the Keil Centre, an organisation made up of chartered psychologists and ergonomists. The Keil Centre are the first organisation in Scotland to achieve Investors in People (IIP) Platinum status. We caught up with them to find out what they do that really […]

Don’t look for a silver bullet when measuring employer brand success


There’s no simple way to measure the success of an employer brand. But just because it can be complex and at times confusing, that is no excuse for neglecting to track the ROI into employer branding. Analysing the effectiveness of new branding programs means businesses can identify the issues that need to be addressed, and […]

How HR can use storytelling to create customer centricity


Everyone in business is talking about customer centricity, but very few are getting it right. Part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear where ultimate responsibility lies – the CEO? The sales and marketing team? HR? We believe it’s up to everyone but a truly customer-centric organisation has the end user embedded in […]

Beyond Recruitment: are you immersing potential recruits in your company culture?


Statistically Generation Y, or Millennials, make up the largest percentage of jobseekers and much like buyers in the housing market, these numbers wield power. They are the next talented professionals in-line and naturally businesses want to capitalise on this. However, gaining and retaining these digital natives has proven to be more difficult than ever. With […]

Culture, growth & milennial myths at Booking.com


This is an interview with Marc Jansen, Global Manager Learning and Talent at Booking.com, following the company's placing as a finalist in the 2015 Employee Engagement Awards. In the first of this two-part piece, Marc tells us about the long-term growth at Booking.com, the onboarding process, and what Marc really feels about milennials. Questions were posed by […]

Corporate values are everywhere: how do you really get people to live those values, and how will know when they do?


In this article Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, looks at how mature organisations tackle the increasingly important topic of organisational values, including how to get long-term employee buy-in and what happens when values get derailed. We can’t ignore the importance of values in the discussion of business and employment, training and development, leadership and management. Values […]

Do you understand the ‘illusion of inclusion?’


This is an interview with Mossy O'Mahony, VP of Product at internal communications software company Newsweaver. Mossy hosted a webinar on 'Overcoming the barriers to measurement' which is now available for you to view online. In the webinar, Mossy shows you how to avoid the pitfalls of measuring in silos and how to overcome the barriers to effective measurement. […]