Undercover boss: It’s worth investing in your people


In a new two-part series on Channel 4, Undercover Boss features a senior executive who goes undercover in their own company to find out what is happening at the coalface and what employees really think about the business. Penny de Valk shares her thoughts on last night’s episode.   Channel 4’s new series Undercover Boss, […]

HR in a recession: A change of focus


John Pope examines how HR professionals’ roles have changed since the downturn and how they must now adapt to the current climate. Business is a bit like gardening. To get good roses in summer, you have to prune in winter, root out diseased old stock, get rid of those which flower poorly or are no […]

HR tip: Dealing with a poor performer


These questions are being answered by Learn HR, a market leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications. Question: "We have an employee whose performance is well below par. What can we do with him?" HR tip: You should talk to him, explain the performance required, point out the performance he […]

Damage limitation: Managing poor performers


Best Employment Law Feature 2008 Poor performers are a danger not only to themselves but to their colleagues and the organisation as a whole. Annie Hayes finds out whether 'tough love' is the only solution. A lot of fuss about nothing? The capability process – points for consideration: Identify exactly what standards the employee should […]

Punishment – any suggestions?


This week, I have been thinking about how I can punish people. It would seem that there are only a small number of people in my office that keep refusing to act like normal people, as they consider themselves to be either too important or too busy to do what everyone else does in the […]

The perfect manager


Matthew Jennings offers some invaluable advice on how to strive towards becoming the best manager you can possibly be. “Ultimately, the truly great managers are the ones who stop to think where they want to go and then have the shameless audacity to set out.” Gerard Blair. If we went to the shops and bought […]

Ask the expert: Dealing with performance and misconduct


An employee is under-performing and spends most of his time using the internet and email for personal reasons. Esther Smith, partner at Thomas Eggar, and Martin Brewer, partner at Mills & Reeve, advise on what his employer can do about it.   The question: I have an employee with nine months' service on my small […]

TNA and evaluation: Spot the difference


Martin Schmalenbach examines the links between training needs analysis and evaluation. After all, he says, they're two sides of the same business coin.   Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying training needs for an individual or group of people. Its outcome is a clear set of training objectives to be met by […]

The business case for talent management


Is it possible to calculate the benefits you are likely to achieve from automating your HR function and embracing new concepts such as talent management? Go back to the fundamental purpose of your HR strategy, and estimate the benefits in cash terms. It sounds simple, but the devil is in the detail, writes HR Zone […]

Serving up performance management


Tony Hayward discusses how successful performance management can ensure staff motivation and retention is more inventive, thereby resulting in greater employee confidence and job satisfaction.   Take a couple of minutes to think about your last interaction with a contact centre. Can you remember it, for reasons good or bad? Some of you will, but […]

Is your performance management performing? By Rob Lewis


Performance management is supposed to empower your staff, release their potential and propel your organisation into the big time – which is funny, because half the time it just seems to lead to recriminations and arguments about salary. Rob Lewis wonders if HR can help manage performance management.   Ah, the annual performance management review: […]

Podcasts focus on training trends and best practice


E-learning specialist Learn.com has launched a new podcast series for HR and training executives. Hosted by Don Cook, senior vice president of marketing, and Michael Sabbag, director of talent management services at Learn.com, the series will focus on industry trends, successful strategies, best practices, and new and innovative technologies. "You will leave each podcast with […]

HR tip: Analysing poor performance – is it misconduct or incapability?


These questions are being answered by Learn HR, a market leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications. Question: "I understand that Misconduct and Incapability both are fair reasons for dismissal. Which do we use if the problem is one of poor performance?" HR Tip: You need to have a discussion with […]

Creating the perfect appraisal


FCIPD qualified Harvey Bennett explains how to create the perfect appraisal, and whether common strategic practices really work.   Appraisals always get a mixed press: people either love them or hate them. Those who hate them do so because: It’s seen as a ritual (usually – but not necessarily – attributed to the HR function […]

End procrastination: Top time management techniques


Jim Bird, founder and chief executive of time management organisation worklifebalance.com, outlines four ways to effectively organise your tasks to produce efficient and effective results including throwing away 'to do' lists.   In today's ‘choice challenged’ environment, the absence of time management skills can leave you feeling overwhelmed in your everyday life. Your most vital […]

Why is it so hard to manage Emma?


Ever since ‘Emma’ was promoted to section manager, Alex has been increasingly worried about how to manage her performance; David Barnard of the HayGroup looks at the challenges. Emma is the kind of person you want to have working for you. She wants to do a good job. She likes working in a team, and […]

Businesses unprepared for human capital measurement


Businesses are unprepared for human capital measurement yet they need better measures to unleash performance gains and keep shareholders happy. The Taking Measures report by Penna Board Partnership, says that 82% business leaders, surveyed from 200 UK companies, now acknowledge that HCM is fundamental to the success of the business. Further, 80% of business leaders […]

Management-union partnership eases difficult market conditions


Partnership between management and unions can have a beneficial impact on companies' financial performance where the workplace faces a declining or turbulent market, according to new research published today. The finding comes from research undertaken by the independent Policy Studies Institute commissioned by the Department of Trade and Industry. The study – Collective Bargaining and Workplace Performance – […]