Personality at work: are you from the dark side…?


You have both light and dark personality traits If you’re a Star Wars fan you’ll no doubt be familiar with the ‘dark side of the force’, the battle between light and dark with characters drawing power from the mystical dark side. The idea that we can have both light and dark aspects of our personality, […]

The role of feedback in performance management – the conditions for success


There are lots of companies making changes to their Performance Management systems and most of the changes revolve around feedback. But have we got it right? Those of you who read our articles and regular newsletter will know we have views on the role of feedback that are, some would say been quite controversial. We […]

You can’t handle the truth: Are you being bullied or performance managed?


You’re being bullied, but an inner voice is telling you it’s performance management. You’re good at your job but whatever you do is never good enough for your manager. When you try to discuss your concerns, your manager says, “I don’t control how you feel, only you control how you feel”, making you feel victimised. […]

“Operational excellence cannot be one of fifteen initiatives you have running.”


This is an interview with Justin Hughes, a former Red Arrows pilot and the Managing Director of Mission Excellence, a consultancy that partners with organisations committed to high performance. His new book, The Business of Excellence: Building high-performance teams and organizations, is out now, published by Bloomsbury. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: What did your time […]

Book review: What is global leadership?


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what's available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

The five temptations leaders must avoid


When it comes to working with leaders the most consistently lacking behaviour seems to be discipline. Now I know that most of you are reeling reading this and probably thinking ‘how dare he’ but now’s the time to be really honest with yourself – we all get a little distracted from time to time. In […]

Analysing the challenges in global mobility


For a host of reasons that have dominated the news agenda over the first half of the year, 2016 is certainly starting to look like one of the most extraordinary years in recent history. However, on a slightly more prosaic level, what are the major issues dominating the global mobility (GN) agenda? The RES Forum, […]

“We are beginning to have conversations about ‘good enough’ managers.”


Hedda Bird is the founder and MD of 3C Performance Management, a company focused on taking a 'whole organisation' approach to performance reviews, conversations and processes. They are particularly focused on helping HR professionals engage senior leaders, provide managers with the skills and resources to have effective performance management conversations and enabling people to take […]

In praise of procrastination: the good, the bad, the ugly


Are you a procrastination PRO? As a matter of fact, I have never met anyone who never procrastinated in their life, including myself. I write and blog about personal effectiveness and smart working amongst other things, but after accepting Jamie’s [HRZone's editor] offer to write for HRZone about this very topic, I proceeded to postpone […]

How to deal with dinosaurs in the workplace


In my role as a behavioural consultant, many of the business professionals I work with understand the importance – the necessity even – of continued development, change and moving with the times. However, older or more established team members, whilst often performing well, can often be very resistant to change. This is a common cause […]

Five questions and answers to a better graduate programme


Alan Price is Employment Law & HR Director​ at Peninsula, recently awarded the Best Place to Work for Graduates 2016​ award. In this interview Alan talks about honing graduate soft skills, the benefits of graduats in the workplace, and the common ways that businesses mismanage graduates. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: Graduates are often intelligent but unprepared for working in a commercial […]

How to achieve diversity through merit-based hiring


Employers worldwide are recognising that to grow their businesses and address the challenges and opportunities they face, they need to be diverse and inclusive. This is not just to fulfil legal compliance or their moral obligation. There are sound commercial reasons why today’s workplaces should reflect the diversity of the population. With a diverse talent […]

Helping employees manage their emotional investment


Some jobs require a great deal of emotional investment, such as being front of house with the necessity to be perpetually polite and perky. But what does it cost the said staff member to put up this façade day in and day out? Are they simply soaking up negativity like a sponge with long-term impacts upon […]

Red light for BA performance appraisal system


Industrial action is nothing new to British Airways, Britain’s flagship airline. No surprise then when we hear of possible action over the introduction of a new performance appraisal system.  For BA’s Director of People and Legal, Maria da Cunha, this must be a disappointing result given her commitment to a more engaged workforce.   In […]

Six things you should be doing with your workforce data


In the first article in this series, we looked at whether HRDs were effectively ‘flying blind’ – not using the instrumentation that HR analytics provides to effectively tell them where they are going (or at least plot a credible course for their organisation). HR has huge amounts of people data at its fingertips, yet many organisations have […]

Don’t just sit there …..learn something and move


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! I find myself, probably like many of you, spending too much time in […]

When will we stop trivialising sleep?


In this series we look at an aspect of science that gets too little (in our view) attention in business and that’s what we eat, how we move our body and use our brain. Take a look at the whole series here! I’ve been a poor sleeper for years now: getting to sleep isn’t an […]