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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Coffee Break: Trust, culture management and the importance of being liked at work


Here is your weekly list of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world, selected by us so you don't have to spend your coffee break scrolling through newsfeeds.

Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, or tell us what you think of the articles we've shared in the comments below.


Why we should be focusing on culture management (Entrepeneur)

Evidence-based practice in workplace change (The Worekplace Change Project)

Why the best companies are the ones that don't appeal to everyone (Forbes)

Building trust and standing out in the digital age (Paul Taylor)


Time for the 'gig economy' to finally pay its dues? (BusinessZone)

The negative power of change (Change-Effect)

People analytics – The 2016 bottom line (Max Blumberg, LinkedIn)

– Government is completely unprepared for the coming robot takeover, MPs warn (The Independent)


– 9 guidelines for a fair selection process that encourages diversity (Human Resources Online)

– Why I try as hard as I can to invest in minorities and women (Joanne Wilson, LinkedIn)

Why diverse teams are smarter (HBR)


Why human flourishing is critical to business performance (William Powell)

– #cipdace16 – the curated learning (Kingfisher Coaching)

– Encouraging employees to take time off (Bright HR)

– Is being liked at work important for career progression? (Lee Biggins, LinkedIn)

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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