What is the Graduated Mirror Pyramid HR model?


In 2010 an innovative model became very successful across European companies in the field of human resources. This model is called Graduated Mirror Pyramid. The Graduated Mirror Pyramid is a model that has been developed to monitor the satisfaction of employees in a company in order to improve productive processes. It is possible to apply this […]

Three ways best employers show their people they are valued


Top performing organisations strive for employee engagement excellence as they know they’ll be more productive, grow faster and innovate more. They develop thriving cultures and winning people practices that propel them into the upper quartile of engaging employers. But how exactly do they do this? People Insight supports hundreds of the UK’s top organisations measure […]

Standardisation is creating a massive talent hotbed


The standardised work we are all so familiar with as being a cornerstone of a Lean philosophy does not produce quality, reliability and repeatability, it generates world class skill and the basis of a talent hot bed. Read this article to understand the process of world class skill generation and give standardisation a meaning. I […]

What are the regulations regarding annual leave entitlement?


Every worker is entitled a period of paid annual leave under the Working Time Regulations 1998. Annual leave starts to accrue from the beginning of the employment contract and continues to accrue throughout its duration. Even employees working their notice period continue to accumulate their annual leave entitlement. Statutory entitlement  The statutory holiday entitlement for […]

Positive distractions are a good thing, says study


A lot has been written about negative distractions in the workplace and how it can take 25 minutes to regain your focus when interrupted. Generally speaking we treat all distractions equally but science suggests there’s a difference between those perceived as positive and those perceived as negative. According to lead author Florin Dolcos, positive interruptions […]

Meeting core time and absence goals in financial services


Employers within the financial services industry have unique time and absence needs. While other industries, such as manufacturing, may be saddled with union rules and the need to track multifactor labour distribution transactions, financial services has its own share of challenges. In order to explore these issues further we recently held a roundtable discussion with […]

How to reduce staff turnover in IT and telecommunications


IT and telecommunications, and particularly call centres, have long been known for higher-than-average employee turnover rates. Especially when an emphasis on 24/7 customer service is core to an organisation’s success, it can be difficult for HR to authentically facilitate a culture that supports employee work-life balance without compromising efficiency and productivity. Add duty of care […]

What you can learn about effectiveness from the world’s best poker players


Whether you are an established business leader, manager, or apprentice, we all have at least one thing in common: we all want to make good decisions and deliver good results. To do that we need the right environment, support, knowledge, skills and mental attitude. And we need those things over the course of our careers […]

The world of work must change… but how?


There’s something fundamentally wrong with the way the world works. In a series of 5 articles over the next few weeks I’ll share with you why that’s the case, what we need to do about it and how you can begin to implement changes within your own organisation which will start your journey towards a […]

If we created the ideal workplace, it would look like this


We know the business case for increasing employee engagement but let’s consider a fresh perspective. Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, globally one of the largest I.T. outsourcing firms, says HCL achieved this position by putting employees first and customers second. He says: the first question is “what is the core business of any corporation?” […]

Performance appraisal: dump it or fix it?


“Perhaps no talent management process is more important or more reviled than performance management.” Effram & Ort, 2013 In one of the most viewed documents on the web, Netflix, the streaming company with over 2,000 employees, revealed it has no mandated system of performance assessment. While this caused a flurry of interest, going process-free seems […]

Four quick ways to improve your employee rating scale


The spring 2014 Employee Outlook Report from CIPD found that one in three employees feel their performance management process, and the communication from their managers, is unfair. If you think you might be in the same boat, taking another look at your performance rating scale is a simple way make improvements. The most familiar rating […]

Don’t believe the Accenture ‘end of appraisals’ hype


Accenture’s recent decision to abandon the annual performance review looks on the surface to be a bold and progressive move, which has been well received throughout the business community. A “massive revolution” is how CEO Pierre Nanterme described the decision, but is it all just smoke and mirrors?  The truth is that annual performance reviews […]

A ‘no manager’-alternative to yearly appraisals


I used to dread having my yearly appraisal. Looking back on them, I’m struggling to remember an appraisal that I walked out of having either developed or learnt something new about myself. It always seemed to me that it was more of a game as to who was having the least fun; me or my […]

From performance misery to performance joy?


“Once a year [I] share with you what I think of you. That doesn’t make any sense. People want to know . . . am I doing all right? Nobody’s going to wait for an annual cycle to get that feedback,” Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme told the Washington Post last week. And with these words Accenture’s 330,000 employees breathe […]

Does Accenture’s move mark the end of appraisals?


I was delighted to see an article in last week’s Independent confirming that, one of the world’s largest companies, Accenture, will be putting a stop to holding the annual appraisal review. Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme told The Washington Post that the company, which employs 330,000 people around the world, is preparing to halt a performance review process […]

Five choices to extraordinary productivity


The dramatic increase in the power of technology means that it’s never been easier to accomplish great things.Yet paradoxically, these same technologies can make it harder than ever to do the things that are important to us. It’s a paradox that lies at the heart of the on-going productivity debate. Every day we’re faced with […]

Are your work habits messing with your brain?


It's Neuroscience Learning Month on HRZone. You're reading one of the pieces that's been written to help you develop a sound understanding of why neuroscience principles are important to business, and a basic understanding of how you can apply them effectively. There's loads more content going live over the month to help you on your way, […]

Is perseverance more important than intelligence?


Intelligence, or a person’s cognitive ability to understand and deal with complex problems in a rational and purposeful way, is undoubtedly a huge asset in the workplace, and is crucial in dealing effectively with work demands and challenges. However, in today’s fast paced environment where the speed of change is dizzying, intellectual horsepower is insufficient […]