What is ‘everyday experimentation’ and why is it important at work?

Here, we explore why a culture of experimentation is so critical to success, outlining simple steps that organisations and teams can take to achieve it.
Five critical mistakes to watch for in underperforming leaders

Leadership expert Nik Kinley identifies five commonly overlooked areas when assessing leadership performance. Learn how HR can address these issues to help leaders, their teams and the wider organisation thrive.
The lost art of team building

Have we forgotten the importance of team-building in our haste to ‘get things done’?
Teamwork redefined: How to build a collaborative workplace culture

An annual teambuilding event does not support the effective practices of daily teamworking. Andrew Loveless of Pecan Partnership outlines why organisations need to redefine teamwork to drive 360 collaboration, offering seven practical ways to get started.
Difficult colleagues: Relationships with people who think differently

Struggling to work with difficult people? Quentin Millington of Marble Brook explores the Strengths Deployment Inventory and why the problem so often lies in a clash of motives rather than toxic behaviours.
How to master personal workflows in a collaborative workplace

Collaborative demands can quickly overwhelm well-intentioned colleagues. Using the practice of ‘Head Heart Hand’ helps build your capacity to get work done.
Leadership’s role in organisational resilience

Investing in the resilience of leaders is a strategic move that can yield significant returns for any organisation. When leaders are resilient, they can inspire and lead their teams through any challenge, ensuring the organisation not only survives but thrives.
How to strengthen cross-company collaboration

Helping your employees to join the dots across teams, priorities and decisions can eliminate silos and unlock value from stronger synergy.
Better relationships, less red tape: The key to high work performance

What is the one thing we can do to improve work performance? Quentin Millington of Marble Brook argues that we should direct attention to better relationships, and not, as often happens, more systems.
Five ways to create anti-fragile employee experience teams

Is your EX team prepared for pandemic-level shocks or will they be blindsided and frantic when the next crisis occurs?
You can’t change culture, so stop trying

By encouraging people’s assumptions to evolve, people professionals can create lasting value.
Eight ways to ensure high-quality meetings

By prioritising quality over quantity we can ensure meetings pack a punch.
Book excerpt: ‘Irresistible’ by Josh Bersin

Bersin reveals the seven secrets behind the world’s most enduring, employee-focused organisations in his compelling new book – out now.
No vacancies: What HR can do about the influx of holiday requests

The latest changes in travel rules, may leave employers struggling to manage annual leave requests
Artificial intelligence is the future for building great teams within HR

HR leaders and professionals need to embrace AI if they want to build great teams within their organisations.
A six-step team reset checklist for 2024

Now is the time to reset and re-energise for the new year ahead.
It takes two to tango: how HR can increase its influence by learning to be a better partner

How HR can increase its influence by learning to be a better partner.
Performance management: how to get the best from your team

How to improve team performance by 22% in just six months.
Partnership with finance: the holy grail for HR?

In today’s volatile business climate, it’s more important than ever for HR and finance to work together.
New Year planning: how to design a successful team offsite day

While preparations for the end of the year are underway, most of us are also thinking ahead to the raft of team offsite days that will be held in early 2020. There’s no rest for the wicked! Offsites should feel very different to regular meetings. Here are a few tips to help you design and […]