Inclusion: Sharon Doherty on high speed transformation in Fintech


What led you to become Chief People Officer of Finastra? When it became time to move on from my tenure at Vodafone last year, I wanted to join a company where I felt I could make my mark. Not many opportunities come up to lead the people function of a European headquartered software company and […]

What challenges will HR departments face in 2020?


We are undoubtedly living through a period of unprecedented change. Technological progress in all corners of daily life is bringing dramatic shifts to the way people engage, consume, communicate – and, especially, the way they work.  As we draw closer to the beginning of a new decade, it seems obvious that new developments, such as […]

Blended learning: how to craft the perfect blend for boosting performance


Despite the term ‘blended learning’ being in use since the late 1990s, people often still disagree about its meaning. For me, having specialised in blended learning for years, it means choosing delivery methods which engage your learners, complement your learning culture, and suit the subject matter of your learning. As such, it’s only natural that […]

UNLEASH 2019: The rise of the fragmented, complex career


Having not long returned from UNLEASH, we’ve been enlightened and motivated by fresh perspectives, inspiring calls for action and a better grasp on the fast-moving HR tech vendor space. Here are just a couple of takeaways from the two days… (Disclaimer: we saw a fantastic host of sessions – and I’m sure we missed some […]

Avoiding ‘game over’: incorporating gamification into recruitment and assessment


In 2014, Gartner noted that human resources is a particular growth area: “while customer-focused applications [of gamification] continue to be developed, there has been faster growth in employee-focused applications”. Initial usage within the HR space focused on learning and development, utilising game dynamics to enhance engagement with development activities and improve learning. More recently, the […]

Workforce analytics: demystifying HR analytics – it’s not what you think


Perhaps the biggest misdirection or mystery surrounding HR analytics is what it is, and what it is not. HR analytics is not a discipline that is only focused on the functions, challenges and required solutions for HR itself. Also, it is not just complicated statistics and mathematics that nobody understands unless they have a PhD. […]

Avoiding automation culture shock among your employees


To an outsider technology and HR may seem like odd bedfellows, but the truth is that there are few departments (with the exception of IT) where tech is more important. The reality is that for new technologies to succeed in business they need the support of HR. We are the gatekeepers. As such, we need […]

How AI can benefit the employee experience


AI is here, and it’s ready to transform your employee experience. While most businesses recognise the power of AI, many are unsure of how to implement it in their own workplace. Here are some examples of how AI can benefit your employees at work. Communication When we are at work, our interpersonal relationships have a huge […]