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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director

Read more about Jamie Lawrence

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – August 27 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged.

Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse.

But each week we try to pick out a diverse set that illustrates all the things that turn people off to their workplace and employer. Perhaps they’ll inspire you to take action?

1. The psychological contract starts to break down…?

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2. Faceless managers need to breed proper connection

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3. Give me some purpose, people!

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4. A dose of authentic, honest leadership needed

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5. A win for Theory X?

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6. The fragility of the employee/employer contract and the importance of trust

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7. How the workplace can stifle passion

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8. Variety is the spice of life – at home and at work

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9. Gender stereotypes and unequal pay

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10. As if we needed more evidence of how important work/life balance and flexibility are

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Author Profile Picture
Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

Read more from Jamie Lawrence