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What Strategies can the trainer use to facilitate learning and to motivate learners?
margaret mannion

2 Responses

    There are only two “strategic” values assocaited with motivation and learning – relevance and added value to the learner. Tactics for building these values into training events and communicating them are more varied!

  2. some tips regarding training
    There are many ways. First you need to create a friendly and open atmosphere among people, use icebreakers, energizers etc. Then use the technicque “learning by doing” meaning to create many games, role play and case studies to motivate your students. games need to be real and as close as possible to real life situation (of course it depends what are you teaching). It is very broad question, it is important to know who are your learners, what age are they, are they willingly involved in process or are they forced etc.. if you provide more info I can give you more info back.

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