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Annie Hayes




What price the 24-hour work culture?


Research has revealed that in 90 per cent of families where both parents work, at least one works unsocial hours, defined as outside 8am-7pm Monday-Friday.

The research ‘Working atypical hours: what happens to family life?’ by Matt Barnes, Caroline Bryson and Ruth Smith of the National Centre for Social Research, in partnership with the Relationships Foundation’s Keep time for children initiative, included analysis of diaries completed as part of the 2000 UK Time Use Survey.

Keep time for children Chief Executive Michael Clark said: “As a society we must take collective responsibility. The effect of demanding goods and services 24/7 results in added pressure on parents, especially those with low incomes, to work unsocial hours. We are depriving children of time with their parents. Parents of school age children should be guaranteed one weekend day off each week.”

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One Response

  1. work-life balance
    yes, its a burning issue which effect not only the productivity of an employee but also have a deep impact on his/her entire family and justice with HR profession. we as HR professional must do something re. this to create a work-life balance.
    as a long term solution to this upcoming issue all the top management must participate at least one training programme on work-life balance to understand its impact & gravity. only than they will have an empathy which will ultimately convert in approprite policy & practices.
    with best regards
    alok goel

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Annie Hayes


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