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Workplace Relationship Policy


I have recently taken up post as Equality & Diversity Manager with my organisation. i have been tasked with developing a workplace relationship policy; that is policy for when 2 members of the same team engage in a consensual relationship.

Wondered if anyone has, or has seen sight of a similar policy elsewhere?


Stuart McKenna
Equality & Diversity Manager.
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.
Stuart McKenna

2 Responses

  1. A contentious issue!
    I have recently written one for a College. Although it is slightly different as it is based towards both staff relationships with students as well staff with other staff, it lays out guidance that could be adapted. I would be happy to forward it to you.


  2. Try
    Hi, have a useful policy on this “Personal Relationships Code of Conduct”.

    Rachel Haake
    HR Policy
    Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

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