Following on from just completing a very successful four-day corporate mindfulness event for a major branded corporation’s, global leadership conference held near Heathrow, providing mindfulness sessions, from global CEO’s and vice presidents, to global managers, group and department managers, we would like to offer your company the same services.
We are a local small but effective therapy centre, with a wide range of experience and qualifications on mental and emotional health.
What we can offer:
Providing customised group mindfulness sessions for you and your employees, we can tailor make packages for? (the packages we offer):
· CEO and senior executives.
· Managers.
· Employees.
Our single session courses include:
· Advising your employees on stress and anxiety in the workplace.
· Teaching your employees how to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.
· Showing your employees some techniques that can reduce anxiety and stress in the workplace when it appears.
Benefits and outcomes of our courses:
· Ensures that employees have an understanding of what triggers anxiety and stress.
· Teaches employees how to deal with stress and anxiety in the workplace therefore increases the ability to deal with stress.
· Teaches employees the triggers that generate anxiety and stress in the workplace.
· Improves employees mental and emotional welfare.
· Improves employee morale and therefore productivity.
· Reduces employee absenteeism due to stress and anxiety related illnesses.
Our courses start from £100 per one hour session per group of employees.
· We can tailor make them for small groups of 10 – 20 employees.
· We can tailor make for larger groups of employees.
· We (offer) can arrange them for the early morning, lunchtime or early evening sessions.
· We can arrange them at your premises.
· We can assist or arrange them off site.
For more information on how we may be able to help you. Please call Allan or Kate on 01784 392449 and we would be happy to discuss these sessions or other arrangements you may have of your own.