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Jane Sparrow

Northern Flight

Managing Director


Blog: Exclusive HRzone survey – What’s your leadership style?


Successful, high performing organisations don’t just happen. 

They are created and sustained by leaders and managers who build cultures that enable the talent, energy and skills of their workforce to thrive.
From my experience working with some of the best global leaders, I know there are five clear roles that managers and leaders need to be masters at to build high-performance cultures.  These are:
  1. Prophet
  2. Storyteller
  3. Coach
  4. Strategist and
  5. Pilot.
I will shortly share my insight about these five with HRZone readers in a series of articles that explore the roles and the implications they have for building cultures.
In order to make this as relevant as possible to you, I invite you to complete a survey that will enable me to see which is the strongest for HR managers and which is the area that needs more attention. I’ll then build my hints, tips and practical advice around my findings so that it’s most relevant to you.
I’ll share the results in my article and show how this community compares to the broader management population and which of the roles require further development and focus. Please feel free to complete the survey here.
Jane Sparrow is managing director of behavioural change consultancy, Northern Flight.

We welcome any and all contributions from the community, so please feel free to share your views and opinions with us, your colleagues and peers via our blogs section.

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One Response

  1. Survey Link

    The Survey Link is not working.  Perhaps the Friday, 13th Bug hit it.

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Jane Sparrow

Managing Director

Read more from Jane Sparrow