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Phil Roebuck


Chief Executive


Blog: Is there a place for QR codes in recruitment?


As digital technology continues to engrain itself in our day to day lives, we’ve been increasingly looking at how we can reach our candidates through these new channels.

It seems that as quickly as organisations get comfortable with one communications channel, another one springs up!
As specialist online recruiters, it’s our job to help clients use the right channels in the right way, so understanding each opportunity is a must for us. The more popular social media sites, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, are already being utilised by recruiters and organisations alike in the recruitment process, but there are other tools out there which should not be ignored.
QR codes – a useful tool?
You’ve almost certainly seen them around – on print cartridges, food packets or even a sticker on the bus, stuck there by a guerrilla marketer. Quick response Codes (QR Codes), first used in manufacturing, are gaining popularity in other sectors.
Bridging the gap between the real world and the online world, QR codes could become a great recruitment tool if used correctly. If you scan a QR code with your smart phone you may receive someone’s contact details, a text message; it could take you to a web page or prompt you to write an e-mail.
Using QR codes
Here are five ways you could use a QR code in recruitment:
  1. CVs – Some tech savvy job seekers incorporate a QR code in their CV, taking you to their website, LinkedIn profile or even a video resume. If scanning the code takes you to a well though-out site optimised for mobile browsing, you’ll know you have a candidate who is keeping up-to-date with technology.
  2. Graduate Recruitment: 53% of people scanning QR codes  are aged 18 to 34, making them ideal for recruiting graduates. Using a QR code in your recruitment process will show that your company is moving with the times and isn’t afraid to try new ideas – something many talented graduates will appreciate.
  3. Networking – If networking is key to recruitment, quick response codes could be invaluable in making contact with talented candidates. Think business cards are out of date? Put a QR code embedded with your contact details on your card.
  4. Career fairs & Conferences: If you’re recruiting, a QR code on your marketing materials could take job seekers to the ‘apply online’ section of your website.
  5. Analysis: QR codes are trackable, giving you access to new set of data and ability to gauge the response to your recruitment campaign.

What do you think? In your experience is there a place for QR Codes in recruitment? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

Phil Roebuck is chief executive of recruitment web site, Webrecruit.

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Phil Roebuck

Chief Executive

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