As a social manager, you represent a company, so you need to stay competitive to excel.

Digital marketing relies on technology, and AI tools for social managers are crucial for success. As 62% of recruiters post jobs on social media platforms, the connection between AI tools and social media holds immense potential.

These invaluable AI tools give marketers who embrace technology within their content workflow a competitive edge. Here’s a list of the best AI tools for social managers including each tool’s features, pricing, pros, cons, and more.  

1. Flick Caption Generator         

Flick AI Caption Generator is a valuable tool for creating engaging and attention grabbing social media captions. 

It has advanced capabilities to generate attention-grabbing captions, enabling users to enhance their social media presence. 

It has advanced capabilities to analyze your brand’s tone and generate captivating captions dedicated to your brand. Combine these captions with great headlines for social media and you’ve got the perfect formula to engage your audience.

Key Features


Flick offers three monthly/yearly pricing plans: Solo (£11/month), Pro (£24/month), and Agency (£55/month) plans. All plans come with a 7-day free trial, hashtag tools, and scheduling features, and you can cancel anytime. 




Flick is intuitive and user friendly, allowing users to schedule posts on a variety of social platforms 

Tool Level


2. Bulkly                                                    

Bulky is a fully-featured AI tool for social managers with great features for social media automation and content scheduling. It stands out for its ability to recycle content, allowing users to repurpose and repost their most successful social media posts.  

Key Features


Bulkly offers various pricing plans: Pro ($19/month) Pro Plus ($39/month) and the Pro Plus Agency ($149/month) with all plans having a 7-day free trial.  




Provides good user experience with a user-friendly interface and straightforward content recycling processes   

Tool Level


3. Narrato                                                    

Organizations need to incorporate effective social recruitment strategies to build a strong team. Narrato Workspace is a comprehensive collaboration platform designed to help teams work together more efficiently. 

What makes it one of the best 5 AI tools for social managers?

Check out its key features, pros, and cons to find out.

Key Features


Narrato offers three pricing plans: Pro ($45) Business ($95) and Custom. The Pro and Business plans offer free trials with different features available.  




Its user face is intuitive and user-friendly, easing content creation, management and collaboration. 

Tool Level


4. Hootsuite                                                

Hootsuite differs from other social media management software. It stands out because of its comprehensive all-in-one solution for content management, community management, listening insights, and reporting.

Key Features


Hootsuite offers different pricing plans: Professional ($99/month) Team ($249/month) Business ($739/month) The professional and the team plans, offer a 30-day trial, with all plans offering different features. 




Easy to use with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation 

Tool Level


5. Sprout Social                                                  

Sprout Social is an all-in-one AI tool for social managers to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and deliver personalized recommendations.

It stands out because of its advanced scheduling/publishing options, as well as powerful social listening and engagement features. 

Key Features


It offers four paid plans: Standard ($249/month) Professional ($399/month), Advanced ($499/month), and Enterprise. Only the Standard, Professional, and Advanced plans offer a free trial. 




The reporting and scheduling tools require a steep learning curve

Tool Level


Pro Tips: You can use these AI tools to create content for the social media posting for all types of websites. For intense, if you are promoting your resource page on child abduction then you need to create the post around this topic only. It helps you create relevant content for your social media campaigns.

Embrace AI Tools for Social Managers 

Developing the necessary tech skills is vital for success in digital marketing, particularly for social managers who must excel as content creators, analytics experts, and advertisers. Leveraging these 5 AI tools can help with each of these roles.

Which of these tools have you used or are using? Let me know in the comments section. I would love to hear your thoughts.