If you wish to remain in good health, then you’d better start applying these tips as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, in case you’re reading this at work (at your break time, of course), then you can literally start right away!
Stretch and move
In the era of health and wealth, regular sports or going to the gym are considered mandatory. Everybody is training something, be it yoga or basketball with colleagues after work. However, you know very well what you are doing is not nearly enough. Therefore, do yourself and your body a little favour at work, and stretch when you get the chance. Stand up and walk for a minute or two – no boss is going to mind. Sitting for a long time leads to different conditions: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood sugar, and so on. Luckily, even a 2-minute walk decreases the chances of getting these.
Maintain good posture
As you are reading this, think about how you are sitting. You know what we mean. If you are typing, the elbows should be by your side, the mouse is supposed to suit your hand, and the screen is some 20 inches from your eyes – approximately at an arm’s length.
Follow the safety rules
Of course, not all employees work in a typical office. Some of you may have riskier jobs, while others tend to visit the places of potential dangers occasionally. For instance, architects are no strangers to a construction site, which is notorious for injury rates, and even deaths. Indianapolis personal injury lawyers have their hands full with cases of work-related injuries, so you had better stick to all the precaution measures which are demanded from you. Otherwise, you might be their next client.
Keep water input high
We are all made of water, but we often neglect just how much we need it if we are to do our best. Proper hydration gives you energy for everything you have to do today – from getting up to completing tasks at work. If you are feeling drowsy, experiencing fatigue or a lack of focus, perhaps all you need is a glass of water (or two). Ideally, you should drink 8 glasses of water, but don’t fool yourself; maybe you need even more depending on your work and lifestyle. Your immune system will be extremely thankful.
Eat healthily
Drinking enough water can also help you with the fake feeling of hunger. However, you still need the energy that food provides, but steer clear of fast food. Prepare healthy meals in advance and you will reap benefits. First of all, you won’t be feeling sleepy after lunch. Secondly, you’ll be fending off from all the health issues that fast food brings, such as clogged arteries, liver damage or the possibility of a stroke.
No man is an island. While it is true you should stay away from colleagues who seem to have caught a virus, you should also make small talk with your fellow employees. Mental health is just as important as the physical, and having a friendly chat helps you unwind.
Learn anti-stress techniques
Stress is the main culprit for a myriad of health issues, so you had better find an ideal way of fighting in while at work. Try visualization, breathing exercises, short meditation, or some other stress-relief techniques.
If you feel a bit reluctant about starting right away, just think how many hours you are spending at work. Isn’t that a lot of time? Therefore, include some healthy strategies into your routine, and you’ll be feeling a lot better in your free time, too!