How can you make sure your employees feel both empowered to work hard and confident in your abilities to lead? It’s a fine line to tread, especially as our research, which surveyed 1,000 workers across the UK, has revealed that over a quarter (29%) of UK workers have absolutely no confidence in their leadership teams.
Worriyingly, not only do these workers believe that their bosses are not competent in their roles, well over a third (43%) also admitted to feeling like their boss gives them little to no opportunity to try new things, while half (49%) feel they are given limited opportunities for career progression.
However, despite over a quarter of workers having no confidence in their leadership teams, 79% say that they do trust the decisions of their colleagues at work, suggesting a worrying divide between employees and managers in this country, with many bosses failing to provide adequate support or guidance for their teams.
So, what can be done?
In order to retain the best workers, managers need to work harder to understand their employees, and to provide opportunities for them to develop their own ideas and inform their own working styles.