Managing a team or department isn’t easy at the best of times.

But as the world becomes increasingly global, managers often find themselves taking on responsibility for teams of individuals from a diverse range of cultures, or having to manage on a remote basis.

I have been reading about how Tanith Dodge, director of HR at Marks & Spencer, was closely involved with the Nailing the Evidence report, and as such, has commented widely about the importance of investing in people and leadership, and about linking that investment to a company’s bottom line. As Tanith explains, “We have built more connected leadership across M&S as we develop the capability of leaders in line with the values and attributes at the heart of the M&S brand. Forming these meaningful connections has galvanised leaders to lead change and has also resulted in increased productivity and cost savings.” 

This focus on ‘connected’ leadership, of ensuring everyone across the business understands the link between their job and the organisation’s purpose, values and goals, can unlock the productivity puzzle.

So with this in mind, let’s take a look at 5 Top Tips for how to get the best from the people you manage:-

1.Recognise potential

People in organisations are hugely under-utilised.

Team members would probably achieve more if only we had confidence in their abilities.

This being so, give them the opportunities to prove their true value, and support and reward them accordingly.

2.Respond to people

Give your team members feedback. Let them know what expectations you have of them and how well they are doing against these expectations.

Supportive feedback is more important and certainly more powerful than corrective feedback!

If you want good behaviour to disappear, just ignore it. And of course, you must be willing to receive feedback yourself.

3.Unite people

Ensure that the whole team is working towards a common goal.

Involve people in developing a set of shared values and in identifying how these values can be translated into practises and behaviours.

Share as much of this information as possible. Maintain an open and honest dialogue with them, particularly in times of change.

4.Be a CEO

Be a CEO! That’s a ‘Chief Executive Officer.’

Never expect more from your people than you model yourself.

You cannot afford to be inconsistent and not be seen to ‘walk the talk.’

You have to be seen to be living by the values of the organisation and the team.

5.Tough love

If necessary be tough. Make sure you hire the right people and provide the right conditions for them to be able to grow and flourish.

When trust is being abused or when employees’’ actions are not consistent with those of the team or the organisation’s values, then say so. Have the courage to make tough decisions.

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