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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Coffee Break: Bad hires, emotional culture and payroll pet hates


Our latest round up of HR news, opinion, blogs and assorted tidbits is here for you to enjoy once you have five minutes spare.

Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what else you've enjoyed reading this week!


Made a bad hire (or two?). Don't worry, you are not alone (Alan Walker, LinkedIn)

What every recruiter and HR manager should worry about in 2017 (Inc)

11 crucial interview questions to ensure cultural fit (Entrepeneur)


– Britain's bad managers are to blame for our lack of productivity – and they're the reason for Brexit too (Independent)

– How CEOs can put gender balance on the agenda at their companies (HBR)

Why you should care about emotional culture (Talent Culture)


Here's what to look for in a truly great mentor (Inc)

– Is a lack of HR know-how in social media negligent? (Dionne Lew, LinkedIn)

How workplace robots will really test your management skills (Chartered Management Institute)

Hidden treasures of internal coaching (Sara Hope, LinkedIn)


– What teaching People Analytics has taught me about teaching People Analytics (Sam Hill, LinkedIn)

The quantified workplace: Technology vs Trust? (HR Tranformer blog)

– What I learned at DisruptHR Toronto (Rob Catalano, LinkedIn)

Payroll pet hates – 3 repeat queries that drive us nuts (Core HR blog)

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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