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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Coffee Break: Productivity, beanbag chairs & communicating in a crisis


We're a bit late getting your HR round-up done this week – we got a bit overexcited in the lead up to the long weekend and this fell by the wayside…

So, a few days later than usual, here is your weekly list of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world.

Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week in the comments below!

Focus on performance

The mystery of the UK's productivity crisis (The Guardian)

Feels like work: How to improve your personal productivity (Simon Terry blog)

Developing the human resource (Caleb Bagwell, LinkedIn)

Improving communication

Thoughts on BHS and how to communicate in a crisis (All Things IC)

10 principles of organizational culture (Strategy + Business)

You can never empower people, but you must engage them (Inc)

Where is your talent?

Ad agencies need young talent. Cue the beanbag chairs (New York Times)

Hiring is so competitive in Silicon valley that one startup is hiring entire teams at once (Business Insider)

The jobs of the future are yet to be written (Talent Culture)

Community and beyond

– Why I applied for #ConnectingHRAfrica (Donna Hewitson)

The future of work is 5 billion customers looking for a good job (TechCrunch)

11 lessons we learned at DisruptHR Vancouver (Rise)

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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