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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

Freelancers, org structures and puppy paternity leave


It's time for your weekly update of news, opinion and research from across the HR industry.

Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too!


Maybe you should just do the job you were hired for (Tim Sackett)

– How a good working culture will allow diversity to thrive naturally (Farida Gibbs, LinkedIn)

Us versus them: reframing resistance to change (Strategy + Business)

– Org Physics: How a triad of structures allows companies to absorb complexity (Niels Pflaeging, LinkedIn)


Can the gig economy survive the British worker? (BusinessZone)

How is your leadership…on social media? (People Performance Potential)

– Why smarter CEOs are focused to build a better work (Medium)


Beer company gives its workers a week's paid 'pawternity leave' (Huffington Post)

– Arianna Huffington on the link between leadership and well-being (McKinsey & Company)

If you want to be part of our clique (Solly Solomou, LinkedIn)


Rethinking brand (Change Effect)

– Will the rise of freelancers and not machines finally kill off the traditional organisation structure? (Barry Flack)

How do candidates want to be recruited? (Undercover Recruiter)

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy