I am a fairly new freelance trainer and management specialist and would like to work overseas, eg America, Europe etc, and would be grateful if anyone can supply me with contacts or details of agencies that can help, or supply work. Also ,anything I need to know to do this?
Any help very much appreciated. Thanks Tom

2 Responses
Training opportunities abroad
My company PPS Project Specialists Ltd employ trainers for the Oil, Gas & Petrochemical industry. Our current trainers have process, Instrumentation, Electrical and Mechanical backgrounds. We have a training centre in the UK and Nigeria, there are also trainers working in Oman,Greece and Qatar at this moment.Check us out on:- http://www.ppsprojectspecialists.com
Interested? please send current CV to brian_kay@attglobal.net
Suggestions for finding contract work in the USA
I would suggest http://www.astd.org and http://www.ispi.org. Both are training organizations in the USA and have job boards consisting of full time and contract work. I have also come across http://www.eworkexchange.com as a source for contractors.
Scott Stein