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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

HRZone relaunch: The Missing Features

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What’s missing, why, and when will it return?

Whilst redesigning the site, we've had to prioritise a few areas to make sure that the relaunch goes to plan, and that there is as little disruption to you all as possible.

For this reason, we've had to leave a few familiar features off the site for a bit, but they'll be returning soon, we promise.

The following features will not be available on HRZone from Monday 23rd February:

  • Any Answers
  • Private Messages
  • Notifications

In the case of Any Answers, you'll be able to view older posts from the end of February, but unable to post any new questions for a while – you can direct any questions to us via our Twitter or Linkedin groups, or in the comments below each article.

Private messages and notifications will also be returning later in the year, so until then you’ll have to check your emails for updates of who is commenting on your content.

We'll be keeping you up to date with all site developments, so keep an eye to our blog posts, newsletters and social media for all updates.

Want to know more about the new HRZone? Take a new at what your new home page will look like!

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy