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Nick Elston

Forging People

Inspirational Speaker, Award Winning Mental Health Engagement, Transformational Speaking Coach


From sci-fi to sanity: Harnessing AI to boost mental health in the workplace

How can AI be leveraged to support mental health?

Hello, you beautiful bunch of people professionals! Today, we’re going to explore a topic that, let’s be honest, can feel a bit like venturing into ‘Blade Runner’ territory: the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting mental health in the workplace.

Now, bear with me – I know it sounds a little ‘techy’, but this has the potential to revolutionise how we approach wellbeing in our organisations.

So, what’s all the fuss about AI?

It’s intriguing, isn’t it?

For some, it’s incredibly exciting; an untapped potential waiting to burst into life. For others, it’s a tad intimidating, reminiscent of those dystopian movie plots.

But fear not! Our goal isn’t to build a fleet of emotionless, monosyllabic robots (sorry, Arnie!), but rather to unlock the immense potential of AI to support the emotional health of our workforce.

The role of AI in early detection

AI can be a brilliant tool for improving mental health in the workplace, especially when it comes to early detection and preventative measures.

Think about how we can use machine learning to analyse patterns in an employee’s language, mood or behaviour, potentially spotting signs of stress or burnout before they become serious.

Now, I’m not suggesting we become Big Brother, but the right AI tools can be sensitive barometers for our staff’s wellbeing.

AI can be a brilliant tool for improving mental health in the workplace, especially when it comes to early detection and preventative measures

AI doesn’t judge

Let’s face it, not everyone feels comfortable talking about their mental health at work, right?

This is where AI can be a game-changer.

We have AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, capable of providing round-the-clock support, offering a safe and anonymous space for individuals to express their feelings without fear of judgement.

These tech marvels can guide people towards appropriate support resources or even just lend a digital ear when it’s needed.

Treading a fine line

There are, of course, challenges to implementing AI in this realm.

There’s a fine line to tread between using AI to provide support and ensuring we respect privacy.

It’s crucial to navigate this carefully, providing reassurance to your teams about their data and the purpose behind using AI.

Let’s remember that technology should always be a servant, not a master.

We have AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, capable of providing round-the-clock support, offering a safe and anonymous space for individuals to express their feelings without fear of judgement

Now, let’s get practical

How can you start leveraging AI in your organisation?

First, you need to choose the right AI tool for your specific needs.

Whether it’s a virtual wellness coach, a digital mental health platform, or an AI-powered data analytics solution, the market is awash with options.

Take time to assess what suits your team best, ensuring it aligns with your existing support framework.

Training is vital, not just for HR professionals and people managers, but for all staff.

Everyone should understand the purpose, benefits, and limitations of these tools.

By fostering an environment of awareness and understanding, we can help alleviate concerns and break down barriers.

Whether it’s a virtual wellness coach, a digital mental health platform, or an AI-powered data analytics solution, the market is awash with options

Embracing a brave new world

Finally, always remember that AI is not a silver bullet.

It should supplement, not replace, the human touch. It’s a tool in your arsenal, not the entire kit.

Keep the conversation about mental health and wellbeing alive, promote open dialogue and continue to invest in traditional support mechanisms.

To conclude, let’s embrace this brave new world with open minds.

Yes, AI can feel a little like the Wild West at times, but its potential to support our mental health strategies is compelling.

If you enjoyed this, read: HR strikes back: How AI will augment HR

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Nick,
    Hi Nick,

    I’ve been gripped by AI since my degree back in the early 90’s. Things have moved on a little since then 😉 but I did keep up with the tech and have managed to weave a little AI into various projects over the years.

    I’m actually quite excited by the recent developments in the field, especially now that AI is so readily available to so many people.

    We’ve been experimenting with it for our main product PerformanceHub, but we have a little side-project that covers exactly what your article is about. We have created a chatbot called Oscar that is specifically focussed on employee wellbeing and support. I’m not sure it will ever see the light of day, as it’s not our main focus – performance management is. If you want to have a play, I’d be more than happy to let you have access. We’d appreciate the feedback.


    CEO – Cogendo

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Nick Elston

Inspirational Speaker, Award Winning Mental Health Engagement, Transformational Speaking Coach

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