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Pay Comparisons


I’ve been asked to put together a – pay & benefits spine -for staff. We work in the ‘professional service’ sector, being an approved provider of Training & Advice to un-employed persons on New Deal and Work Based Learning schemes. I’m looking for pay & benefits comparisons across the range of roles in the company from Receptionists through Admin & Payroll staff to Business Advisors & personnel responsible for Quality (ISO & IiP updates etc). We have a Head Office in the North East but also operate from 15 offices throughtout the UK. Where will I find the data I’m looking for? Any help will be gratefully received. Thanks.
Mike Keegan

3 Responses

  1. Try Reward
    We use the Salary Surveys published by the Reward Group based in Stone, Staffs (01785 813566). They publish them by region and also have some UK wide. They also carry out surveys on behalf of various professional bodies. I and my site HR managers have found them very useful to help benchmark salaries. Jenny

  2. IDS
    IDS run quarterly reports on pay levels for various generic positions throughout the UK. They will probably be your best bet short of sponsoring your own survey or participating in a current survey running for that sector.

  3. Try Alan Jones
    In the past I have used a company called Alan Jones. Sorry I do not have a phone number. They conduct a number of pay and salary surveys. However they are not cheap and you may need to purchase more than one of their survey results booklets. Also what about IDS, I think they also run surveys,Indusutrial Society or IPD?

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