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Should I invest in Myers Briggs training – or something else?


I do lots of mentoring and group work around personal development,life work planning, goal setting etc.
I am looking for additional tools and skills that will add to my toolkit and references. Myers Briggs seems to be a useful one but the training is expensive. I don’t know who to go to as the best training provider and maybe there are other tools out there that would be just as or even more useful that I don’t know anything about.
Janie Wilson

5 Responses

  1. MBTI
    I totally agree with Gerry Platt, MBTI Training with OPP is excellent. I have since used it on many occasions as a starting point in management training and team building workshops. It is not “quick to learn” which is the beauty of it – there is always something new to discover. OPP offer excellent raining materials too. They also offer ‘Masterclasses’ which are superb and a joy to attend. Pricewise – training in any reputable and worthwhile instrument (unfortunately) costs about the same – if it’s cheap, you have to wonder why. You also have the option of adding Firo-B to your skills to enhance MBTI’s effect. (No, I’m not a shareholder)

  2. Metaprogrammes – an alternative to Myers-Briggs?
    We are a training company who have successfully utilised Metaprogrammes (from our NLP training) for our clients in order to recruit, provide additional tools for managers, gain strategic clarity before setting goals, train executives in the process of elicitation and run cultural change programmes. Metaprogramme elicitation essentially predicts how people think and how they react in certain situations and can be used to make recruitment decisions, motivate individuals and gain a deeper insight into how you think as an individual.
    We elicit an individuals metaprogrammes during a short 1:1 interview and the results are consistent, no computer programmes or multiple-choice forms are used and there is no need to repeat.
    While I believe that Myers-Briggs are excellent indicators and the training is useful, I also believe that metaprogrammes and NLP interventions are superior and more cost effective.
    For further information contact ABC training 01353 688533 or email:

  3. MBTI
    I just completed my MBTI training last year with OPP and it was the best class room based learning experience I’ve had in years and the content has proved invaluable in terms of helping myself and aiding me in helping others. Go for MBTI and do it with OPP is my advice.

  4. Myers Briggs etc
    Oxford Psychologists Press (Oxford 01865 404500) are the main holders of the European rights to MBTI, though you can also try The Test Agency (ads in back issues of People Management journal), also PsyTech 01525 720003.

    I have used OPP for all my psychometric training and they are excellent.

    I know DISC has been revised very recently, though in the past there were academic questions over its validity & reliability – but if it works that’s fine.

    I can’t speak much for DISC but I have used MBTI for looking at stress, team working, conflict, leadership, personal relationships, communication, problem solving & decision making etc, much of it in the mission/life critical aviation world (both military & civil) – it can be a very powerful tool.

    There are similar tools around that don’t require licensing, and I have used them, but my experience tells me you only get the best out of these tools if you have done MBTI training.

  5. DISC Behaviour Profiles
    Have you tried DISC Behaviour Profiling. It is quick to learn very accurate and has a wide range of reports available to suit most instances. We have used it for many years and have found it powerful and cost effective. I would be happy to put you in touch with the UK distributor.

    Colin McAllister

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