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Small Portable Projector


My firm wishes to buy a small portable projector for training purposes. The projector needs to be light weight and easy to set up. We wish to use the projector in conjunction with a lap top computer to project information etc onto a larger screen when training/making presentations.

Any recommendations would be gratefully received.

Mandi Sturmey

One Response

  1. Computer Shopper reviewed …………
    Computer Shopper reviewed a 12.1″ TFT notebook computer and CTX EZPro 550 portable projector bundled package in their November (I think) 2000 reviews.
    The kit was designed for the travelling salesman to give video presentations so might be worth checking out for your purposes. Price then was £2,250 + VAT for the bundle and review reference on the Computer Shopper site ( was issue 155, page 313.
    No personal experience of using it but hope this helps.

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