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Stress mail? How about the rest of the junk?


A Telegraph article caught my eye and raised a wry smile of sympathy this morning. Written by Becky Barrow and titled “You’ve got Stress-Mail”, it is likely to ring bells with thousands of e-mail users.

Like Becky, I too advocate the wide use of “Add to Junk Mail” facilities in e-mail clients.

Oh! And by the way, for those of you saying, “Yes, but what about the stuff that comes through the letter box and those phone calls from salespeople?” Try going to the Mailing Preference Service, the Telephone Preference Service and there’e even a Facsimilie Prefence Service

One Response

  1. thanks
    For a number of years we have been subjected to a phantom fax machine calling our home telephone number (01740 620200) in the early hours of the morning. Irritation isn’t the word for it. BT claimed that there was nothing that they could do but suggested that we changed our telephone number. Since we have had this for 16 years this wasn’t an option we fancied. Hopefully this is all in the past…….
    But who can tell??

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