Employee engagement trends: our curated list of insight reports


Employee engagement trends continue to point to a significant and evidenced link between the levels of engagement and overall organisational performance. With this in mind, we've collated some of the best and most respected reports into employee engagement trends in one place so you can access what you need. Whether you're building a business case […]

Employee engagement research – the master list


Employee engagement research is now in abundance and allows you to better your employee engagement ideas and implementation. Whatever stage you're at in the engagement journey – from building a business case to measuring success or trying to identify new causes and drivers of staff engagement, our research library will help you identify key stats, […]

Hey bae! – Why brand tone is one of the most important parts of recruitment


Many of you will have seen the now infamous email that a Microsoft recruiter sent out to interns in San Francisco, trying to be all 'down with the kids' and using the language of the trendy young things of today. It's a good reminder that trying to be 'hip' can often backfire, and that's bad enough when […]

Breakfast Insight: A new collaborative mindset


Breakfast Insight is your short dose of new ideas and food for thought, perfect to watch with your morning coffee. Today we're chatting to Karin Volo, Chief Joy Bringer and Director at Evoloshen. You can find out more about Karin on her website or contact her on Twitter at @karinvolo. Karin tells us about: A new mindset […]

We can do this the easy way or the hard way…


Acas’ latest policy paper. ‘The road less travelled? Taking the informal route to conflict resolution’, encourages managers to use emotional intelligence to resolve problems at work before they get out of hand. But what challenges does the informal route present and are we equipped to come out the other side in one piece? Why is […]

How the brain works and the link to good business


It’s Neuroscience Learning Month on HRZone! You’re reading one of the pieces that’s been written to help you develop a sound understanding of why neuroscience principles are important to business, and a basic understanding of how you can apply them effectively. There’s loads more content going live over the month to help you on your […]

How to pass your CIPD exams


Everyone has an opinion on how to pass the CIPD exams. Some people listen, some already know they are not ready, while others plot their own path to exam success. The case studies and questions are split between seen and unseen, but you need to open your eyes to the reality of HR academia months […]

How HR can use storytelling to create customer centricity


Everyone in business is talking about customer centricity, but very few are getting it right. Part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear where ultimate responsibility lies – the CEO? The sales and marketing team? HR? We believe it’s up to everyone but a truly customer-centric organisation has the end user embedded in […]

How to present a stronger business case to the board


Some HR teams struggle to justify HR and training investments and initiatives in a way that wins the board’s approval.  Often this happens because they find themselves in the dark about the long and short-term ambitions of the company they work for or because there’s a lack of clarity about the business strategy itself. Asking […]

Gossip in your workplace probably does you more good than harm


There's so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics' Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

Are competencies really dead?


Love them or hate them, most organisations have to use competency frameworks – but often they are decried by managers and staff. Is it time to shake them up, give them a different name and get them adding more value? Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, looks at the issue in more detail. Amongst HR […]

Corporate values are everywhere: how do you really get people to live those values, and how will know when they do?


In this article Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, looks at how mature organisations tackle the increasingly important topic of organisational values, including how to get long-term employee buy-in and what happens when values get derailed. We can’t ignore the importance of values in the discussion of business and employment, training and development, leadership and management. Values […]

Studying politicians: emotionally-intelligent leadership can be taxing


Leadership is not easy and certainly not for the faint-hearted. I watched the unravelling of ‘The Panama Papers’ furore and thought it a great example of not just how important emotional leadership is to understand but how easy it is to get wrong. The PM was clearly hurt (“deeply hurtful allegations against my father” – […]

Do you understand the ‘illusion of inclusion?’


This is an interview with Mossy O'Mahony, VP of Product at internal communications software company Newsweaver. Mossy hosted a webinar on 'Overcoming the barriers to measurement' which is now available for you to view online. In the webinar, Mossy shows you how to avoid the pitfalls of measuring in silos and how to overcome the barriers to effective measurement. […]

Coffee Break: Productivity, beanbag chairs & communicating in a crisis


We're a bit late getting your HR round-up done this week – we got a bit overexcited in the lead up to the long weekend and this fell by the wayside… So, a few days later than usual, here is your weekly list of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world. Let […]

VIDEO: Our time with Gareth Williams, Global HR Director, Travelex


Gareth Williams is a member of the Travelex executive committee and leads the global HR function at Travelex, which includes L&D, the HR Centre of Excellence, HR Shared Services and the HR Generalist Team. Gareth's HR team is made up of 120 people across 30 countries, who support a global workplace of 8000 employees. Gareth […]

Workplace conflict: Is the workplace itself part of the problem?


We all know that workplace stress can have long-lasting negative consequences on employees. Long hours, unrealistic demands, and looming layoffs can lead to an increase in workplace conflict and health problems. But these issues are compounded when the workplace itself is a part of the problem. Academic research highlights the importance of the workplace environment on employees’ […]

“We keep goals fresh and relevant via monthly clarity meetings.”


People Insight developed and ran a category in the Employee Engagement Awards called the Employee Choice Award, which put judging in the hands of employees. This was conducted via a survey which measured how well employers support, develop, involve and recognise their people. In the case of Prospectus, they demonstrated commitment to employee development and […]