#BoredatWork: The TikTok trend that should terrify every employer

black pug puppy on brown wooden chair, Bored #Boredatwork

In a world where work has become fodder for viral memes, the hashtag #boredatwork has amassed over half a billion views on TikTok alone, showcasing the extent of employee disengagement. Culture expert Deborah Hartung shares 10 ideas for HR to buck the boredom trend.

Tesco CEO pay: What’s the problem?

vegetables, fruits, peppers Tesco

The recent news of Tesco doubling the remuneration of its chief executive was met in the public square with concern and outrage. The furore underscores how hard it can be to reach agreement when the world we inhabit is complex and our view limited.

HR as a sustainability activist: Five ways to drive ‘social’ impact in ESG plans


The first article in this series on HR as a sustainability activist, explored how we, as people professionals can be conduits for lasting change by taking climate action. Climate action in its simplest form is about addressing the environmental crisis we see, but of course sustainability has breadth beyond the care and duty to our […]