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Train the Trainer


I am designing an in house Train the Trainer course and would like information regarding course content. I wish the course to cover theory and practical applications of training, especially coaching.
Julie Mather

4 Responses

  1. Arian Associates Ltd

    email us and we'll provide you with a course outline for our Train the Trainer programme

  2. Topics for Train the Trainer
    Hi Julie – we may be of interest to you, we specialise in brain-based and bodymind learning design. Email on if you would like more information.
    Nicola Dawson

  3. Train the Trainer course specs
    Hi Julie,

    If you let me have your email address, I can send you our specs for various Train the Trainer courses with different slants – e.g. Train the IT Trainer, Instructional Techniques, Introduction to Accelerated Learning, etc. Between them they should give you an idea of the topics to include…

    You can contact me on

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