Technology provides a myriad of opportunity for the modern workplace. It enables employees to enhance their lives and has a profound impact on prominent business concerns: productivity, engagement and retention.

With this in mind, here at ADP UK, we investigated international attitudes to current and future workplace technologies and how organisations can use technology tools to improve the workplace in its entirety.

An international perspective

The majority of workers (79%) currently feel confident that they are provided with tools needed to tackle their job, using commonplace technology such as internet, business laptops, conference call capabilities and mobile phones to fulfill their roles.

However, when looking at employees’ opinions about the availability of more advanced technology tools in the workplace, satisfaction levels differ across countries. French workers are 16% more likely to feel they have the latest and greatest technology than those in the UK, and Germans are 24% more likely to express concerns about wearable technology than their Dutch counterparts.

In addition, workers feel the availability of technology that enhances their overall working environment is insufficient. Despite accessibility of video conferencing, email and telephone tools, only 3% of workers across Europe feel that their working space enables collaborative work. Whilst 40% of employees say that technology could improve their working environment by creating a quiet zone.

Getting your organisation tech ready

Although employers show competency in arming their staff with the basic technology tools to fulfil their daily job, the disparity between the current restrictive workplace and employee desires for a working environment that is enhanced by modern technology can only be detrimental to organisations, impacting employee productivity and efficiency.

HR needs to innovate with technology, incorporating advanced technology tools into Human Capital Management strategies so organisations can do more than just meet the basic workforce requirements and enhance the overall working environment.

For example, using technology to help create a quiet zone will enable employees to focus on the tasks they need to complete, creating greater productivity and overall workplace efficiency.

Furthermore, online ‘talent communities’ that encourage staff to connect with each other – and with customers – can be extremely helpful for sharing information, and communicating culture. In the near future, we will see this form of collaboration advance, as tools that enable employees to work on 3D documents, drawings and models at the same time are developed.

Start today

The evolution of technology is presenting a wealth of opportunity to employees, HR and organisations as a whole. By using technology to meet the needs and desires of the modern workforce, HR can ensure employees feel personally fulfilled in their roles, whilst remaining efficient in their output. Only then will organisations maximise employee output, retain an efficient workforce and positively contribute to the organisations bottom line.

For more insight about international attitudes to current and future workplace technologies, download ADP’s Workplace Technology Insight 2015 report via