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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director

Read more about Jamie Lawrence

Breakfast Insight: Talent breadth v depth


Breakfast Insight is your short dose of new ideas and food for thought, perfect to watch with your morning coffee.

Today we're chatting to Caroline Gourlay, an experienced business psychologist and founder of Bath-based Caroline Gourlay Consulting. Contact or ask Caroline a question on Twitter at @carolinegourlay.

Caroline tells us about:

  • Whether people are predisposed to a career of  'depth' or 'breadth'
  • The extent to which people need structure to guide their thinking
  • The issue of 'complexity' in business – and how this links in with the Peter Principle
  • The role of HR in educating people

…and more. So grab your hot drink and tune in now.

Author Profile Picture
Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

Read more from Jamie Lawrence