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Cath Everett

Sift Media

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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HMRC probes premier league footballers over perks


HM Revenue & Customs is targeting premier league footballers over the undeclared perks that they allegedly receive from their clubs.

The High Net Worth Unit has sent questionnaires to leading clubs asking for information on the benefits provided to their employees such as travel and entertainment expenses, company cars, health insurance and childcare. Information provided to HMRC will then be checked against footballers’ individual tax returns to examine any unpaid tax.
An HMRC spokesperson said: “For benefits in kind, the basic rule is that if an employer provides an employee with anything other than pay, it may count as an expense or benefit, and they will need to check whether they need to report it to HMRC and pay any tax or National Insurance Contributions.”
HMRC has already conducted a number of investigations into football clubs including last year’s probe into Rangers Football Club, which examined a possible unpaid tax bill of £24 million. The tribunal hearing is set to continue later this month.
Tottenham Hotspur’s manger Harry Redknapp is also expected to stand trial in January for allegedly evading tax on £180,000 of his earnings while at Portsmouth Football Club.
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Cath Everett

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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