Engagement myth #3: it’s solely about the individual’s link with the company


Do you work in the voluntary sector? In conjunction with LVSC and Business Unusual, I’ll be running a free surgery where we look at engagement in the five spheres specifically in terms of dealing with internal change and engaging the private sector. Register here for this event on 27th November. The term “employee engagement” is […]

Utilising disruptive talent to expand the possible


The term ‘disruptive talent’ refers to individuals who see everyday things differently from the majority. They are capable of finding new and significantly more productive ways of doing things whilst rejecting the ‘tried and true’ solutions.  In some cases these individuals generate ideas that lead to the next big thing – Virgin Atlantic, iPad and Uber […]

How to redesign your organisation for the future


In order to succeed in this changing world, organisations that are more agile, innovative and productive need to be created. As you’ll know from my previous articles in this five-part series, my view is that providing more freedom, focus and feedback for employees are fundamental drivers of this organisational redesign. I’ve written this article to […]

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – October 14 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged. Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse. […]

Why positive organisations win out every time


Robert Quinn is professor at the Michigan Ross School of Business and a reseacher who has spent significant parts of his career analysing organisational change, leadership and performance. From his research he has become a believer in the power of ‘positive organizations’ due to the wide evidence base – essentially, when people are happy and thriving, […]

Would you be able to fire a family member?


This article originally appeared on our sister site BusinessZone and was written by Sue Ingram of Converse Well. Hiring a family member is easy. Perhaps they arrived to help you out over a busy period or when they needed the money. Possibly they were what the business needed ten years ago, but the situation has now […]

Five minutes with Hyatt Hotels’ CHRO Robb Webb


This is an interview with Robb Webb, Chief Human Resources Officer at Hyatt Hotels. Robb will be speaking at the HR Tech World Congress taking place in Paris on October 27 – 28 Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: What’s your approach to talent attraction at Hyatt and how do you reduce ‘churn’ among your employee base? Robb Webb, CHRO, […]

Leadership lessons from the Volkswagen scandal


Buried beneath the headlines about the recent revelations at Volkswagen are some worrying details, reminiscent of the banking crisis. At their heart are some stark lessons for leaders and organisations; lessons that firms have been slow to learn, but which will not go away and need to be addressed. The story behind how Volkswagen ended […]

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – October 7 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged. Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse. […]

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – September 29 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged. Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse. […]

Twelve steps to shorten time-to-hire


Time-to-hire is an all-important human resource management metric. In 2011, Workforce Management Magazine defined time-to-hire as “a common measure used in human resources to evaluate the average amount of time  it takes to fill an open position.” A short time-to-hire affords minimal business disruption whilst a lengthy time-to-hire may cause loss of morale among the […]

Performance appraisal: dump it or fix it?


“Perhaps no talent management process is more important or more reviled than performance management.” Effram & Ort, 2013 In one of the most viewed documents on the web, Netflix, the streaming company with over 2,000 employees, revealed it has no mandated system of performance assessment. While this caused a flurry of interest, going process-free seems […]

Is the ‘Peter Principle’ on your risk register?


When Peter Parker became Spider-Man, his Uncle Ben warned him that “with great power comes great responsibility”. After a steep learning curve, Peter grew into his superhero role to save the day and reboot a multimillion pound franchise.   Unfortunately ‘Peter Principle’ had no wise uncle to warn him that without the skills or aptitude […]

Time to blow up H(B)R – and the CIPD as well?


Harvard Business Review (HBR), the world’s premier intellectual business magazine, likes to publish pieces which are challenging, rigorous and readable. For example Justin Fox’s piece ‘What We’ve Learned from the Financial Crisis’ (November 2013) is still on the money today, as the EU political-financial and Chinese stock market crises unfold. But HBR likes something even […]

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – September 3 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged. Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse. […]

The world of work must change… but why?


There’s something fundamentally wrong with the way the world works. In a series of 5 articles over the next few weeks I’ll share with you why that’s the case, what we need to do about it and how you can begin to implement changes within your own organisation which will start your journey towards a […]

This week in ‘I Hate My Job’ – August 27 2015


Each week in “I Hate My Job,” we bring you insights from the minds of disengaged workers across the Twittersphere. The biggest lessons is that there’s no one reason why people hate their jobs and why they’re disengaged. Dissatisfaction is driven by personality, life circumstances, day-to-day stresses and much more. This is just a glimpse. […]

HR and the bottom line – where does the value lie?


The human resources department has not always been perceived as having a big impact on the profitability of a company, in the same way as, say, sales or finance. But this perception is perhaps a little unfair. After all, who is responsible for the talent that drives those departments? When you strip everything back, it […]

What skills shortages? How HR can defrost the frozen middle


With UK unemployment falling to a seven year low this month, HR functions will be continuing to review their talent strategies and looking for ways to gain ground on their competitors in securing key talent, with the battle for the best people as fierce as it’s ever been. What is good news for individuals – […]

Why did Google abandon 20% time for innovation?


Google has been well known for its unique approach to innovation – from its open culture, its radical work environment in its Googleplex campus to its methods for innovation. This has enabled it to grow meteorically from its formation in 1998 to become a $62 billion turnover company by 2014. One of its best known […]