Coffee Break: Dress code, employee perks and the case for changing your job title


We've spent another week sifting through the mountain of HR articles and blogs to find the best nuggets for you to read over your lunch break or morning coffee. Let us know what you think, or if you have any other articles to recommend! Recruitment – For employee retention, there's no place like home (Fortune) – […]

Coffee Break: ‘Lean labour’, living wage and banning Brexit chat at work


Happy Friday everyone – kick off your shoes and get comfy, because it's time for us to proffer this week's selection of HR news, opinion and cultural hors d'oeuvres.  Feel free to tell us what you think in the comments below, or send us your own recommended reading for the week. Strategy – 35% of HR leaders […]

The hidden benefits of workplace diversity


Hedge funds aren’t exactly known for their innovative people management practices, however there are exceptions to every rule. In this case the exception is Bridgewater Associates: founded by Ray Dalio, the company’s guiding principle is one of “meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical truth and radical transparency”. Bridgewater’s employees, all 1500 of them, are […]

Hey bae! – Why brand tone is one of the most important parts of recruitment


Many of you will have seen the now infamous email that a Microsoft recruiter sent out to interns in San Francisco, trying to be all 'down with the kids' and using the language of the trendy young things of today. It's a good reminder that trying to be 'hip' can often backfire, and that's bad enough when […]

Coffee break: Resilience, unconscious bias and rigging your performance review


Here is your weekly list of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world. Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week in the comments below! Development – What do women's career paths really look like? (HBR) – The business benefits of early intervention (Unum) – Why is resilience so important for […]

Beyond Recruitment: are you immersing potential recruits in your company culture?


Statistically Generation Y, or Millennials, make up the largest percentage of jobseekers and much like buyers in the housing market, these numbers wield power. They are the next talented professionals in-line and naturally businesses want to capitalise on this. However, gaining and retaining these digital natives has proven to be more difficult than ever. With […]

Coffee Break: Fun Fridays, productivity & the benefits of a younger workforce


I hope you're sitting comfortably, because we've got the latest round up of HR news, opinion and research for you to peruse over your morning coffee or lunchtime break. Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, or what you think of any of the articles we've shared below. Enjoy! Diversity & Support – […]

Can we please kill the ‘where do you see yourself in five years?’ question?


No names, no job titles, no companies. HR After Dark features totally anonymised opinion pieces from HR professionals, consultants and industry commentators. No holds barred, no censorship, nothing but raw opinions on issues that matter to HR. When the lights go down, HR After Dark comes out to play. See it all here first. Want […]

Coffee Break: Co-working, CV photos, and the case for a three day week


It's that time of the week already, where we fill your proverbial cup with a generous helping of news, opinion and general tidbits from across the online HR world. Let us know what you've found interesting this week – or if you have any thoughts on the posts we've shared! Recruiters – Should you include […]

Coffee Break: Recruitment fixes, happy workplaces and the taboo of salaries


We've spent another week sifting through the mountain of HR articles and blogs to find the best nuggets for you to read over your lunch break or morning coffee. Let us know what you think, or if you have any other articles to recommend! Changing leadership – Good leaders don't just pay lip service to transparency; they […]

Recruiting for a role with an 85 year old legacy at stake


The opening line of Peter Pan reads: “All children, except one, grow up.” But he did grow up, on the day author JM Barrie gifted the copyright to the world's most famous children’s hospital, Great Ormond Street (GOSH). Since then, the copyright has provided GOSH with a sustainable income because every novelisation and performance yields royalties for […]

The four career preparation behaviours of recent graduates


There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]

How to understand the profile of an interim executive


New research based on a survey of 144 interim executives across the UK suggests that interim executives may display stronger inclinations to lead than non-interims and present colleagues with a vision of what can be done rather than managing to orders. The survey results were compared to a sample of 1500 non-interim executives so that comparisons could […]

Here’s what makes an interviewer a professional


Recruitment interviews are pivotal in the candidate selection process and play a crucial part in the assessment of professional expertise and social skills. But having a goal-oriented conversation, understanding the requirements of a position, bringing this into the interview and extracting the maximum of relevant information needed for making a good choice, is a challenging […]

Would you instinctively distrust a hiring algorithm?


New research from the American National Bureau of Economic Research suggests workers hired by computer algorithms stay longer in jobs than those hired by people. Across 15 companies and 300,000 low-skill service-sector hires, the NBER research compared the tenure of those hired based on algorithmic recommendations with those hired by humans. The test asked questions […]

Is it time we treated candidates as consumers?


Much has been written on the subject of employer branding in recent years, especially in the context of its importance for successful talent attraction and acquisition. We know that acute competition for skills (particularly those in short supply) necessitates that HR and resourcing teams be ever more creative in their approach to finding and engaging […]