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Becky Norman


Managing Editor

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Evolving leadership: Fresh thinking to help your organisation reflect and grow

What does it take to be a true leader of culture?

As part of our Culture Pioneers initiative, we’re committed to working towards better workplace culture for all, and so we’re pleased to announce that we’re launching a new four-part series that will delve into the challenges facing HR leaders today. 

The Evolving Leaders Series will feature four leading professionals in our field, who are also on the judging panel of the Culture Pioneers Awards, discussing a diverse range of topics that impact us all. 

In four 30-minute sessions, we’ll explore the difficult but much-needed conversations all leaders should be having today and shine a light on people professionals and organisations who are committed to nurturing thriving company cultures. 

Session one: How to turn leaders into lifelong learners

Date: 27 July, 11-11:30am BST

Speaker: Natasha Wallace, Founder and CEO of The Conscious Leadership Company

Join this session to discover:

  • Why you need to be a conscious leader
  • How to be constantly observing and learning without the BAU getting in the way
  • Ways to foster curiosity and connection (for both yourself and your people)

Session two: What if your leaders are part of the culture problem?

Date: 8 August, 11-11:30am BST

Speaker: Judith Germain, Leading Authority on Maverick Leadership. Leadership Consultant, Trainer, Author, at The Maverick Paradox 

Join the session to discover:

  • What ‘micro-toxic’ leadership behaviours look like
  • How to assess whether you, or your fellow leadership peers, might be part of the problem 
  • How to make it safe for colleagues to speak out about bad leaders 


Session three: What is the role of men and ‘masculinity’ in workplace culture?

Date: 24 August, 11am BST

Speaker: Thom Dennis, EDI and CQ facilitator, CEO of Serenity in Leadership

Join this session to discover:

  • The role that men can best fulfil in the workplace
  • How leaders can inspire men to be vulnerable at work
  • What a thriving culture between all genders looks like

Session four: Why do we need ethical leadership?

Date: 6 September, 11am BST

Speaker: Karen Liebenguth, Executive & leadership coach, pioneer of coaching outdoors, mindfulness trainer

Join this session to discover:

  • How ethical leadership differs from traditional leadership
  • What makes ethical leadership such a powerful approach
  • How to become an ethical leader


    To access these sessions, register free now at: 

    Is your company going above and beyond to create an inclusive culture for all? Why not enter the Culture Pioneers Awards 2023? Entries close on 15th September

    Author Profile Picture
    Becky Norman

    Managing Editor

    Read more from Becky Norman
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